Friday, 2 October 2015

Tinder and All

I’ve really done the unthinkable. I’ve joined Tinder. It really isn’t my first time in the world of online dating. I’ve done the whole OkCupid crap but I never really had any luck. The truth is, I really don’t know to date. When I was 18, I fell in love. Almost four years later, I was single and heartbroken. I thought he was my end game. I was very naïve. Of course, after, I’ve had a few dates here and there but nothing truly worthy of anything more then a few weeks.  But I’m extremely glad I didn’t get involved with anyone in that time. Without that time, I wouldn’t have learned so much about myself. I know that sounds cheesy but I’ve gone to being a girl so wrapped up in the idea of someone else to a woman who can stand on her own two feet. I don’t need to be in a relationship anymore. I just would like a companion, someone who can be an equal rather then a possessor.  So I know Tinder isn’t the greatest way to meet a person but it’s hard in this new age to really date. I honestly don’t expect to fall in love. I don’t expect anything anymore. I let it all fall into place. I’m still young and I need to get out there. So maybe this is answer. I’ve promised myself to try anything new. So why not? Different country, ever evolving girl. 

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