Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Notting Hill Daydream

I can see it. I can see the house tucked between rows of multicolored houses that look exactly the same. The tiny front yard that holds an outdated mailbox. A line of cars from vintage to new BMW’s lining the streets next to perfectly trimmed trees. Breakfast on the table. The smell of pancakes and muffins wafting in the air. A cat and a dog lying on the front rug. A laptop open. New writing. A flutter in my growing stomach. Tiny footsteps running up and down the stairs. A husband rushing around the house chasing and searching. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek as he passes. We try to clean. Mess all around. Beautiful mess. He’s smiling. He’s away from his normal routine. He’s home. We are a family. This is bliss. Chaotic bliss but the sad part is that none of this is true. It may well never be. Just another dream. A fantasy of a time much to far off.

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